Friday, September 18, 2009

OT: Where I've been lately ...

If you're a regular reader of this blog (thank you!), you've probably been wondering what Itinerant Cryptographer and I have been doing these past few months, since we haven't been posting as often. In part, we are still adjusting to life with our newest little scientist-in-training. But the other reason is that I've been drawn back to writing poetry. (You may have noticed, since posts on Fibonacci Sequence poetry, scifaiku, and an ode to Pluto have crept into this blog.)

So, I am happy to share that my poetry was recently published at Scifaikuest and AlienSkin Magazine. I also have a short (140 characters short!) piece up at the Twitterzine Nanoism. For my writing friends, my non-fiction article about Twitter markets appeared in FundsforWriters.

Have a good week-end, everyone!

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